Welcome from the Dean

About Dean's Photo dean

Education is a journey, with progress measured in achievements rather than miles. Our high-quality programs equip you for this trip, teaching the skills and knowledge you’ll need to create new career opportunities and enhance your personal life. Travelers of all ages, at every stage of their lives, are welcome to come aboard. Our topical, diverse selection of programs, along with our world-class faculty, aim to transform not only individuals but communities and organizations as well.

This journey has numerous paths, each with its own rewards. Explore our rich array of professional certificate programs, or pursue a convenient, versatile Bachelor of General Studies degree. Immerse yourself in one of our customized language programs or try our Intensive English Program, designed for students from all over the world. Our Summer Scholars Program enables high school students to earn college credit and preview the world of advanced education. The Osher Lifelong Learning institute, for those at least 50 years young, offers a wide range of classes and programs.

Whether you join us in person on UM’s glorious campus or learn at your leisure via our state-of-the-art online courses, perusing these pages can send you on a journey that’s all about you. We care about making your experience with our Division a rewarding, stimulating, challenging, and transformative one.

Become a member of the 'Canes family, and begin a new adventure with us.

Rebecca MacMillan Fox, Ph.D.
Dean, Division of Continuing and International Education
University of Miami

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